My name is Deborah Hazen, formerly known in the orphanage as Debbie Cote, #48. I was in the orphanage from September of 1958 until May of 1964, along with my older sister and an older brother.
After somehow by the grace of God I survived that place. I went on trying to find my way through life. I have been down many roads that have taken me to both scary places and wonderful places. I am proud to have made it to where I am today. I have three wonderful children, and four beautiful grandchildren. I own a home in Port Richey, FL where I reside with two of my children nearby. I am Blessed to be apart of the Voices of St Joseph's orphanage writer's group, and Blessed for being a part of the group as a whole. I am most proud that we had managed to change the Statutes of Limitations on Child Abuse!
We not only fight for children of the future, we fight for the child within.
Oral History Clips:
WARNING: Explicit Content
"To do that to kids--how do you do that to kids?"
Length: 1:18 (Explicit)
"The counselor for our group got up and left in tears"
Length: 2:24
"I live for today, and what comes tomorrow will come."
Length- 1:08
Full Length Oral History:
Length- 1:15:32